Friday, March 10, 2017

Immigrants are not all the same

On Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 The New York Times published an article titled Secretary Kelly Is Missing in Action on Immigration by The Editorial Board. In this article the intention audience is the people that are against deportation. Also it is more towards defending the rights of the immigrants to stay and work here in the United States that are being blamed for what other immigrants do (smuggling drugs in to the US). This article implies that by letting the reader know that boarder patrol will cost a lot of money to the government. However, it has been argued that they want to spend this type of money on boarder patrol caused because of these drug smugglers. Furthermore, The Editorial Board defend the immigrants by stating that immigrants that actually are working and doing things right are being taken away by ICE because of what other immigrants are doing which is wrong(drug smuggling). The Editorial Board wants the readers to know that it is wrong to blame all the immigrants for what some immigrants are doing. Not all immigrants are the same. I agree with what the board has to say about equality of immigrants. The Editorial Board shows credibility in this article by being a part of The New York Times, they have knowledge to their article because if they didn't their article wouldn't be published. In conclusion, in my opinion and The Editorial Board immigrants are not all the same, they should not all be punished for what some immigrants do illegally. 

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